SQL Functions Support Reference
A summary of the supported SQL functions by category for use with ChaosSearch SQL queries
See SQL Functions for descriptions and examples of these supported functions.
Aggregate Functions
- avg()
- count()
- max()
- min()
- sum()
Binary Functions
- from_hex()
- to_hex()
Conversion Functions
- cast()
Date and Time Functions
- date()
- date_add()
- date_format()
- date_trunc()
- from_iso8601_date()
- from_iso8601_timestamp()
- from_iso8601_timestamp_nanos()
- second()
- minute()
- hour()
- day()
- day_of_month()
- dow()
- day_of_week()
- doy()
- day_of_year()
- week()
- week_of_year()
- month()
- quarter()
- year()
- yow()
- year_of_week()
- now()
- to_iso8601
JSON Functions
- json_value()
Math Functions
- round
Regular Expression Functions
- regexp_extract()
String Functions
- concat()
- from_utf8()
- length()
- lower()
- substr()
- substring ()
- upper()
System Functions
- version()
Updated 12 months ago