/bulkexport/status API

You can poll for status of bulk export jobs.

You use the /bulkexport/status endpoint to poll for the progress of a bulk export job.


You must specify the tracking UID from the submit request to display the status for the request.

POST /bulkexport/status  
  "id": "{TRACKING UID}"  

Request Example

A sample curl command to display status of a bulk export request follows. This example shows values for the AWS region, and the ChaosSearch API key for authentication, and a query:

curl 'https://mycompany.chaossearch.com/bulkexport/status' \
--aws-sigv4 "aws:amz:<region>:s3" --user "<API_Key>:<Secret>" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{"id":"5b00d97d-133d-48e7-9e61-a8a98e4d0a38"}'


The status response contains information about the bulk export search request, the export job options, and its progress.

  "auth": "api_access",
  "exportedFilesPath": "my-s3-export-bkt/exports/5b00d97d-133d-48e7-9e61-a8a98e4d0a38",
  "message": "Running",
  "searchRequest": {
    "_type": "chaossumo.query.BulkExportQuery.Request.Search.Elastic",
    "dateTime": 1717094476408,
    "msearch": {
      "_queryRequestOptions": {
        "options": []
      "close": "???",
      "id": "???",
      "labels": [],
      "queryAuthority": {
        "_type": "chaossumo.query.QueryAuthority.Root"
      "queryId": "ae1e85fc-88e5-4b38-bf76-789af977483b",
      "request": {
        "body": {
          "aggregations": {
            "maxSizeField": {
              "max": {
                "field": "tripduration"
              "meta": null
          "query": {
            "range": {
              "timestamp": {
                "gt": "1542844740000",
                "lt": "1700697600000"
        "params": {
          "size": 0
        "target": {
          "indices": "my-chaos-view"
    "options": {
      "bucket": "my-s3-export-bkt/exports",
      "compression": "gzip",
      "fileFormat": "JSON",
      "id": "5b00d97d-133d-48e7-9e61-a8a98e4d0a38",
      "path": "backup2",
      "slice": "a57dc165-b7fe-4147-8188-66e9b07aa3b8",
      "unitFileSize": 104857600
    "queryName": "my-export-name"
  "status": {
    "partitions": {
      "active": {
        "count": 0
      "completed": {
        "count": 0
      "failed": {
        "count": 0
      "pending": {
        "count": 0
      "retries": 0,
      "total": {
        "count": 0
    "principal": {
      "_type": "chaossumo.query.Principal.BulkExport",
      "passthrough": {
        "_type": "chaossumo.query.Principal.BulkExport",
        "passthrough": {
          "_type": "chaossumo.query.Principal.APIAccess"
        "uniId": "6c270a60-a608-409e-9c3e-6841ce051484"
      "uniId": "b6023244-184e-4c6c-b605-c4afada159c8"
    "queryCompleted": false,
    "queryID": "fc718811-dc36-4c3b-a8d2-4e29e587b471",
    "scheduled": true,
    "segments": {
      "byteSize": 0,
      "cellCount": 0,
      "emptyQueryTasks": 0,
      "maxChunks": 0,
      "rowCount": 0,
      "scopeTasks": 0,
      "totalChunks": 0
    "termination": true,
    "timing": {
      "queue_time_ms": 0,
      "retry_time_ms": 0,
      "run_time_ms": 0,
      "total_time_ms": 0
  "totalFilesExported": 0

RBAC Controls for Status

To submit a bulk export status request, you must be granted permission to use the bulk export status feature via a permission block with the chaos:query:export:status action. Additionally, an optional condition constraint may be included to restrict status to only the jobs created by a specific user (for instance, the current user).

  "Actions": [  
  "Condition": {  
    "Conditions": [  
        "Equals": {  
          "chaos:owner/crn": "${chaos:principal/crn}"  
  "Effect": "Allow",  
  "Resources": [  
  "Version": "1.0"  

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