Refinery Overview
Use the ChaosSearch Refinery to create views that prepare and virtually transform your index data for analytics.
Views are a resource companion to object groups: where object groups define the source cloud storage data to index and how to index it, views are the transformative lens into the indexed data for analysis and monitoring.

Views are the ChaosSearch equivalent to Elastic index patterns, SQL tables/views, datasets, or similar resources. Views can be used with the ChaosSearch embedded analytics tools and APIs, as well as other integrated tools.
Using views, you can:
- Select the indexed data to access and query from one or more object groups.
- Narrow the indexed data to analyze specific daily intervals.
- Use the view filtering and transformation features to virtually prepare the indexed data for analysis within the context of the view. The same indexed data can be transformed differently in separate views, for use by different users, all without changing the source indexed data.
Users can be granted permission to the views applicable to their tasks and teams via role-based Access Control (RBAC) specifications in their group accounts.
The following topics describe the view features, how to create views, and how to use the powerful transformation tools to create robust and tailored data that supports a spectrum of analytics cases.
Updated about 2 months ago