Field-Level Searches
Use a field-level search to query for values within a specific field (column).
When you know which field contains the information that you are searching for, field-level searches help to reduce search time and also to filter out extraneous results, and in less time than a free text search across all columns of the indexed data. For example, if you know that Opera
is a value present in the user_agent
field, you can run a field-level search for Opera values:

You can combine the field-level search criteria with AND, OR, and NOT syntax to create even more granular searches. For example, to search for the records that have a user_agent
field that includes Opera
and a cs_method
field value HEAD:

The list reduces to about 18,000 hits. With a good use of field searches, you can reduce the results to a very granular result set for review.
The NOT syntax is a helpful way to filter out conditions. For example, to search for the records that have a user_agent
field that includes Opera
but do not have a cs_method
field of HEAD:
user_agent:Opera AND NOT cs_method:HEAD

Combining field searches can be a very powerful hunt and seek option for the key data points within your indexed data.
Updated about 2 months ago