Editing a Dashboard

How to edit SQL Analytics dashboards

You can edit a SQL Analytics dashboard to change its chart components, look and feel, or to add or removed tabbed sheets.

To edit a SQL Analytics dashboard:

  1. Display the dashboard that you want to edit.
  2. In the top right corner, click the Edit Dashboard pen icon.
  1. The edit display opens a Components panel on the right and controls for the tabs on the left.
  1. You can use the Components panel options to modify the display for the charts, manage tabs, and add headers or other display design elements.
  2. On the left tab menu, you can add new tab pages to the dashboard or remove an existing tab as desired.
  3. In the right panel, click Charts if you want to add more charts to the dashboard. The Charts panel shows any already added charts in a grayscale color, the darker text highlights the charts that are not part of the current dashboard.
  1. Drag the box for the chart that you want to add into the dashboard.
  2. When your edits are complete, click Save in the top right.