Deletes groups that are related to this user context given an array of group IDs. The JSON body must contain one or more required group IDs to delete existing groups. The
groups must already exist in the user context. This call is atomic; either all of the
groups in the JSON document are successfully deleted, or none of them are.

Example of JSON payload to delete 1 existing group for this user context:

-data '[ "7db91912-a3e9-4641-873c-3deccd07484c" ]'

Example of JSON payload to delete 2 existing groups for this user context:

-data '[ "7db91912-a3e9-4641-873c-3deccd07484c","7dd106ab-2c3f-41ef-be60-d956498a6b21" ]'

Unlike other ChaosSearch endpoints which require V4 signing, the /user/* endpoints require a JWT token for the primary/tenant account, which can be obtained using the /user/login endpoint.
